

Douglas County Ready to Talk Water Quality at Outreach Event

September 1, 2016 / Categories: Association News, Minnesota Soybean Growers Association

The Douglas County Corn and Soybean Growers Association will be hosting a water quality outreach event on the farm of Russ and Rachel Elliott in rural Evansville, Minn., on Sept. 9. Local lake associations and gaming club members, along with Douglas County farmers, are invited to the event.

Minnesota Agriculture Water Resource Center Executive Director Warren Formo and Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) District Conservationist Mark Dybdal will be the featured speakers. They will be focusing on what farmers are already doing in Douglas County and across Minnesota to address water quality.

Russ, along with the Douglas County Corn and Soybean board will then be addressing the misconceptions about agriculture and water quality. The Elliott’s will be showing some of the conservation practices instilled around their farm.

Russ and Rachel have implemented sub-surface drainage tile, a water and sediment control basin, and cover crops to control natural soil and sediment runoff that is amplified by the unnatural water flow and runoff from the I-94 corridor. The Elliott’s have worked with the local NRCS office to improve their family farm and Minnesota water quality.

This event is taking place in conjunction with the Douglas County Corn and Soybean Growers Association’s annual plot night. Click here for more information about this event or to RSVP.

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