

Enlist Duo and Enlist One product restriction for use on Enlist corn and soybeans

On January 11, 2022, EPA issued seven-year registrations for two 2,4-D based herbicide products, Enlist Duo and Enlist One for use on Enlist corn, cotton and soybeans. Enlist duo comprise 2,4-D + glyphosate while Enlist One comprise 2,4-D only. Enlist herbicides with Colex-D® technology are the only 2,4-D containing products authorized and labeled for use on Enlist crops. On Enlist soybeans, both products can be applied through the R1 growth stage and when weeds are no larger than 6 inches tall. Application of these products to non- Enlist crops can result in serious crop damage.

During 2022 registration renewal, EPA evaluated the potential effects of these two products on federally listed threatened and endangered species and their designated critical habitats. The EPA determined that the use of Enlist Duo and Enlist One are likely to adversely affect certain listed endangered and threatened species. To mitigate the potential effects, EPA prohibited the use of Enlist Duo and Enlist One in certain counties nationwide. In Minnesota, the Enlist Duo use is prohibited in six counties namely, Clay, Marshall, Polk, Redwood, Renville, and Stearns. Enlist One use is not prohibited in any Minnesota county and can be used in the entire state for weed control on enlist corn or soybeans.  Enlist One can be tank-mixed with glyphosate and other compatible residual herbicides. List of compatible herbicides can be found at the manufacturer’s website EnlistTankMix.com.

There are additional new restrictions on the Enlist product labels which must be followed while using these products. For example, do not apply this product to blooming vegetation or if bees or other pollinating insects are visiting the treatment area. Applicators must evaluate and implement land management factors (soil type, slope, etc.) and application practices that reduce runoff from the treated fields. Refer to the product label for complete list of restrictions.

Always read and follow the product label carefully. Label is the law.

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