

MDA awards $120,000 to combat noxious weeds

The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) has awarded $120,000 to combat noxious weeds across Minnesota. Twenty-seven projects are being funded though the 2022 Noxious Weed and Invasive Plant Grant, a program that the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association successfully promoted during the 2022 legislative session.

The money, awarded to cities, counties, townships, conservation districts, and tribal nations, will be used to purchase equipment and supplies, conduct mapping and outreach activities, and hire private applicators to manage noxious weeds.

Noxious weeds are plants that have the potential or are known to be harmful to human or animal health, the environment, public roads, crops, livestock, or other property. There are currently 48 plants on Minnesota’s Noxious Weed List.

Grant projects were awarded up to $5,000 to be spent in one year to support local activity.

The MDA has awarded over $1 million since 2017 to local municipalities and tribal nations for projects that focus on noxious weeds throughout the state.

Visit the MDA website to learn more about the state’s Noxious Weed Program.

OrganizationCountyAward AmountProject Title
Aitkin Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD)Aitkin$4,500Expansion of noxious weed control at gravel pits to include surrounding properties/rights-of-way
Anoka County ParksAnoka$5,000UTV tank sprayers for noxious and invasive plant control
Bellevue TownshipMorrison$5,000Weed control
Bemidji ParksBeltrami$4,950Lake boulevard
Birchdale TownshipStearns$5,000Weed spraying project
Burnhamville TownshipTodd$1,625Spray ivy
Carlton SWCDCarlton$5,000Cooperative Weed Management Area (CWMA), partners, and local citizens tackle invasives
Cedar Mills TownshipMeeker$5,0002022 ditch spraying
Chisago SWCDChisago$5,000CWMA program enhancement for wild parsnip control
City of FertilePolk$4,636Fertile Sand Hills buckthorn control
City of IsleMille Lacs$2,500Noxious weed plants
City of New BrightonRamsey$5,000Creekview Park buckthorn removal
City of WinonaWinona$5,000Sugar Loaf Oriental bittersweet control
Kandiyohi SWCDKandiyohi$5,000Weed grant
Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe $5,000Controlling Bakaan ingoji ga-ondaadag (non-local beings) on the Leech Lake Reservation
May TownshipCass$5,000Noxious weed removal 2022
Mille Lacs SWCDMille Lacs$1,000Targeted eradication and control 2022
Norman SWCDNorman$5,0002022 noxious weed and invasive plant inventory, treatment, and education
Pennington SWCDPennington$1,100Tools for Pennington buckthorn removal
Sumner TownshipFillmore$5,000Project wipeout: ending the wild parsnip pandemic
Traverse CountyTraverse$3,600Weed control
Traverse SWCDTraverse$4,280Poison hemlock eradication project
Vadnais Lake Area Water Management OrganizationRamsey$5,000City hall wooded wetland restoration
Wabasha SWCDWabasha$5,000Management of common tansy and poison hemlock
West Otter Tail SWCDOtter Tail$5,000Road right-of-way noxious weed control
Wiscoy TownshipWinona$5,000Invasive species sprayer
Workman TownshipAitkin$1,900Noxious weed reduction

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