

MSGA Disappointed with Gov., Vows to Fight for Tax Relief

The Minnesota Soybean Growers Association (MSGA) is extremely disappointed with Gov. Dayton’s decision to not sign the tax bill passed by the legislature. MSGA lobbyists, farmers and staff worked hard the past two legislative sessions to ensure property tax relief will be provided to landowners that have new school building levies on their property. The tax bill passed by the legislature would have given $90 million in property tax relief to farmers in that situation.

MSGA is also disappointed with the House of Representatives and Senate for their part in Gov. Dayton’s decision. If the legislature had not waited until the waning minutes of the session to pass a tax bill, the simple grammatical error holding up the bill could have been corrected without need for a special session.

MSGA will remain active in St. Paul and continue to fight for property tax relief for Minnesota farmers. When the next session begins, special or otherwise, you can be assured this will be a top priority.

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