

DieselSellerz meet-and-greet winners announced

January 23, 2018 / by Minnesota Soybean Categories: Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council, Soybean News

The latest round of the weekly DieselSellerz sweepstakes and meet-and-greet winners have been announced and notified. The weekly winners received DieselSellerz merchandise, while the meet-and-greet winners will have dinner with the DieselSellerz, stars of Discovery’s Diesel Brothers, on Wed. Jan. 24 during MN Ag Expo.

The winners are as follow:

Latest round of weekly winners of our DieselSellerz sweepstakes.
Samuel Willhite
Kristina Kelm
Theresa Kent
Casey Thorson
Dylan Lieske
Jessica Hanson
Brandon Mattison
Rylee Shanks
Karel Keve
Matthew Millner
Brady Steffer
Wayne Olson
Cathie Adamietz

Winners of the meet-and-greet.
Tavin Sonneberg
Michael DeGrote
Quinton Stoll
Mason Longfellow
Mike Kadelbach
Dennis Ingle
Dale Tiede
Theresa Kent
Carlton Gustafson
Kevin Bock
Danielle Miller
Robert Boeck
Scott Erpelding
Ross Gnotke
Heath Peter
John Kostad
Griffin Willhite
Spencer Flood
Kevin Hoffman
Kelsey McNab
Joseph Kuhn
Joshua DeGreeff
Sheldon Guza
Taylor Veldkamp
Coya Pilaczynski
JJ Schauer
Don Paplow
Tiffany Hulinsky
Jeff Eversman
Dale Neubarth
Chris Bryce
David Killion
Shawnn Balstad
Margie Salentiny
Marie Mars
Jake Borman
Hunter Rose
Jeffrey Larson
Clint Kathrein
Preston Dagen
Bruce Kaschmitter
Cody Weis
Adam Eversman
Wade Fremling
Cody Kelley
Jared VanDyke
Samuel Germolus
Barb Eiken
Joe Versaevel
Brian D Schmidt
Jessica Cook
Scott Runge

Congratulations to all the winners and thank you for supporting biodiesel.

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