

Winona County farmer appointed to MSR&PC board

Glen Groth, a soybean and corn farmer from Winona County, has been appointed to the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council, Chair Cole Trebesch announced Friday.

Groth replaces the late Rob Hanks, who died in December 2019 after 23 years on the Council. Groth will serve as the Council’s District 9 representative, fulfilling the duration of Hanks’ term, which runs into 2022. MSR&PC is the elected board of soybean producers from Minnesota who direct investments of the state’s checkoff dollars in programs designed to increase profitability to the nearly 28,000 soybean farmers in the state.

“We are excited to welcome Glen to our diverse board of directors,” Trebesch says. “No one can fill Rob’s shoes, but Glen brings his own unique farming experience and expertise to the Council, and we’re glad to welcome him aboard.”

Groth farms with his wife, Melinda, and father, Arlyn. He’s been overseeing operations of the family farm since 2012.

“I’m pretty much running the show on the farm now,” he says.

Promoting agriculture

The Groths raise hay and dairy heifers in Ridgeway in southeastern Winona County. He’s a member of the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association, the Minnesota Corn Growers Association and is active in Farm Bureau. Working with the Council will be a new agriculture leadership venture for Groth.

MSR&PC welcome its newest director, Ridgeway farmer Glen Groth. He and his wife, Melinda, raise three daughters.

“I’ve been involved in a number of agriculture organizations, but haven’t done much on the checkoff side of things,” he says. “I want to learn more about the promotion of our commodities.”

Groth says trade and expanding export markets will be one of his primary focuses while serving on the Council.

“That’s something I feel strongly about, maintaining and establishing relations with our overseas trading partners and working to grow those markets,” he says.

He has extensive experience talking with local, state and international media outlets, from his area newspaper to German Public Radio. Groth is passionate about setting the record straight and correcting misinformation related to agriculture.

“I like to talk with members of the public about what we do on the farm. That’s always been something I’ve felt strongly about,” he says. “I look for those opportunities to dispel myths and address concerns the public may have.”

Groth is acquainted with several Council directors, and foresees his tenure on the Council may expand beyond his appointment, with hopes to run for the seat in 2022.

“I think this will be a very good experience,” he says. “This is a new opportunity to learn about the business I’m in.”

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