

The annual Big Iron Farm and Construction Show in West Fargo, N.D., brings out the latest and greatest in agricultural advancements. From drones to combines to seed dealers, Big Iron is the perfect venue to kick tires and talk shop during…

MN soybean aphids research MSRPC David Kee

I recently had a conversation with a young farmer who had been scouting his fields for soybean aphids. Threshold levels had not been reached but his neighbors on two sides had all sprayed for aphids. He was concerned and wondering…

When there’s an issue with your soybeans above ground, sometimes it’s much more effective to look below ground to find the “root” of the problem. That was the key message during the University of Minnesota’s (U of M) Soybean SCN/IDC…

Soybean Gall Midge, MSRPC, Council, Pests, Soybean research

A small, slender fly has soybean researchers landing in a state of concern.   Through soy checkoff-funded research, scientists have been carefully writing their playbook to defend soybean gall midge, a species that attacks soybeans in the Upper Midwest. Since its…

4H scouting, Council, MSR&PC, David Kee

On July 26, the University of Minnesota (UMN) Extension held the 4-H/FFA Crop Scouting Contest. 4-H and FFA students from around the state gathered at UMN’s St. Paul Campus to compete in the Crop Scouting Competition or the Junior Crop…

waterhemp, MSRPC, Liberty, pest, big bad wolf

Waterhemp is the big bad wolf that can – and will – blow soybean yields down.  But the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council (MSR&PC) is the house made of bricks that invests Minnesota soybean checkoff dollars to stand up…

Conducting experiments, collecting data and publishing findings are all part of the research process, but another component of checkoff-supported research is presenting information to the public.   This is where field days and agronomy focused events come into play.   The Minnesota…

MN soybean aphids research MSRPC David Kee

Is 2024 going to be another bad year for dealing with soybean aphids? While that may be difficult to predict – time will tell – there are some factors that have been known to increase or decrease aphid production heading…