

Soybean News

Media Inquiries
Netherlands, MSR&PC, MN soybean

Redundancy and resiliency: A pair of common terms used not only to describe a marriage between two people, but also a coupling of passionate ideas – in this case, funneled from multiple perspectives, all working to further optimize the St.…

soybean news msrpc behind the dollar

A checkoff-centric Q&A with Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council (MSR&PC) Director Joe Serbus, who chaired the organization from 2021-2023.   Read below to find out his thoughts on the Council’s Behind the Dollar initiative.  This interview has been edited for…

MN soybean aphids research MSRPC David Kee

I recently had a conversation with a young farmer who had been scouting his fields for soybean aphids. Threshold levels had not been reached but his neighbors on two sides had all sprayed for aphids. He was concerned and wondering…

When there’s an issue with your soybeans above ground, sometimes it’s much more effective to look below ground to find the “root” of the problem. That was the key message during the University of Minnesota’s (U of M) Soybean SCN/IDC…

Hopped off the plane at MSP.  With a goal and knowledge to gain.   Welcome to the land of soybeans – or something like that, sang Miley Cyrus.    Trade teams from several countries found their way to Matt Purfeerst, Keith…

soybean news msrpc behind the dollar

A checkoff-centric Q&A with Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council (MSR&PC) Director Ron Obermoller.   Read below to find out his thoughts on the Council’s Behind the Dollar initiative.  This interview has been edited for length and clarity.     Q: Give us…

ISO shipping great lakes MN soybean MSR&PC

With boots on the ground, the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council (MSR&PC) is excited to promote a direct shipping route for soy from Minnesota to Europe during visits Sept. 2-6 to Rotterdam, Netherlands, and Antwerp, Belgium.   The trip, hosted…

Partnerships are what drive connections. That’s what makes the Minnesota Research & Promotion Council’s (MSR&PC) membership in Northern Soy Marketing (NSM) so valuable, especially at events like Soy Connext, which took place Aug. 19-21 in San Francisco. “Soy Connext is…