

Agronomy training available through UMN field school

July 13, 2017 / Categories: Uncategorized

The 2017 Field School for Ag Professionals will be held on July 27 – 28 at the University of Minnesota (UMN) Agriculture Experiment Station, St. Paul Campus, University of Minnesota.

The St. Paul campus, located in Falcon Heights, Minn., is this year’s site for the Field School for Ag Professionals, a summer training opportunity that combines hands-on training and real-world field scenarios that no winter program can offer.

The two-day program focuses on core principles in agronomy, entomology, weed and soil sciences on the first day to build a foundation for participants. The second day will expand on this foundation. Twelve Certified Crop Advisor CEUs will also be offered over both days of the field school.

The University of Minnesota Institute for Ag Professional’s Field School offers an opportunity to enhance troubleshooting and crop management skills in specially designed plots that display actual cropping situations. A key feature of the field school is the small learning groups to enhance the learning experience. Each subject is led by experienced UMN instructors, offering personalized instruction and small group activities.

Enrollment is limited to 120, so early registration is encouraged. Please register by July 21 to take advantage of the early registration discount. There is also the option of attending one or two days of the field school.

Detailed session descriptions and online registration can be found on the Institute for Ag Professionals website.

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