

Checkoff Chatter: Digging deep

May 13, 2021 / Categories: Uncategorized

Each year, the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council invests checkoff resources into unbiased agronomic research that shines a light on pest and weed management, soil health, and breeding and genetics.

As with any checkoff-funded endeavor, the goal – improving farmer profitability – is the primary focus.

David Kee
David Kee has been MSR&PC’s research director since 2015.

Following a months-long review process, this spring the Council approved 16 production research and technology transfer projects from many of our region’s most prominent ag researchers for Fiscal Year 2021. Projects officially started May 1. As part of our ongoing “Checkoff Chatter” series – featuring myself, staff directors and farmer-leaders – we will include videos and written updates on these projects throughout the year. Additionally, we’ll also give updates on recent checkoff projects.

If you are interested in specific projects, feel free to contact the researchers at the email addresses, below or contact me at dkee@agmgmtsolutions.com.  In addition, stay up-to-date on the latest agronomy news by following me on Twitter @DavidKeeMN, and view the latest checkoff news at mnsoybean.org/msrpc/.

FY21 Production Research Projects 
   Pest Management 
Angie Peltierapeltier@umn.eduA New Approach to Managing White Mold in Minnesota Soybeans / Expanding Digital Crop Doc, a Digital Diagnostics Service 
Angie Peltierapeltier@umn.edu2021 Northwest Minnesota Soybean Research and Tech Transfer 
Bruce Potterbpotter@umn.eduApplied Soybean Pest Management Research-2021 
Andrew Lueckandrew.lueck@nxtgenag.com2021 Comprehensive Residual Herbicide Waterhemp Control in Soybean 
Debalin Sarangidsarangi@umn.eduManagement of Herbicide-Resistant Waterhemp in Minnesota Soybean 
Dean Malvickdmalvick@umn.eduAssessing Management Options and Inputs for Significant Soybean Diseases in Minnesota 
Bob Kochkoch0125@umn.eduSoybean insect management (2020): Soybean aphid and Japanese beetle 
Soybean Breeding, Molecular Genetics and Functional Genomics 
Aaron Lorenzlore0149@umn.eduSoybean Breeding and Genetics 
Aaron Lorenzlore0149@umn.eduAdvancing Varietal Resistance to Soybean Cyst Nematode in Minnesota 
Bob Stuparstup0004@umn.eduNew Biotechnology to Improve and Understand Soybean Traits 
Senyu Chenchenx099@umn.eduStudy of Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) diversity and detection of white soybean cyst nematode for strategically breeding resistant soybean 
Other Agronomy 
Dan Kaiserdekaiser@umn.eduNutrient Management for Profitable Soybean Production in Minnesota 
Dave Grafstromdave.grafstrom@gmail.comInfluence of Phosphorus and Potassium Applications in a Multi-year Spring Wheat-Soybean Crop Rotation 
Gerald Tolandgerald.toland@smsu.eduPhase II: Apply Classroom and Field Education Experiences to Enhance Student Participation and Success in CCA Certification 
Seth Naevenaeve002@umn.eduManaging Iron Deficiency Chlorosis (IDC) with Agronomics and Economics 
Seth Naevenaeve002@umn.eduThe U of MN/MSR&PC Drainage and Tillage Research Site: Enhancing Soybean Production with Residue Management and Cover Crops  

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