

Council seeks candidates for 2023 elections

November 17, 2022 / Categories: Uncategorized

Have you ever wanted to have a say in directing and investing checkoff resources on behalf of Minnesota’s 27,000 soybeans? Now’s your chance to represent the soybean industry by becoming a candidate for election to the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council (MSR&PC).

It’s that time of year again: MSR&PC and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) are seeking candidates for annual commodity council elections.

“I know from experience that serving on the Council is an important step in directing where soybean checkoff investments go,” MSR&PC Vice Chair Tom Frisch said. “A larger pool of candidates gives farmers the chance to vote for someone who will give them a voice on checkoff investments. The more candidates, the better.”

Council Directors Bill Zurn (Districts 1, 2 & 3); Patrick O’Leary (District 4); Pat Sullivan (District 5 & 6); Ron Obermoller (District 7) and Rochelle Krusemark (District 8), respectively, are all up for reelection.

Council directors serve three-year terms and help oversee the state’s soybean checkoff dollars on behalf of Minnesota’s soybean farmers. Interested participants must fill out a candidate certification form and a candidate biography form to the Council’s office no later than Jan. 23, 2023. Ballots will be mailed via MDA by March 17 and must be postmarked by April 4.

“If you’re unsure about being a candidate or serving on the Council, we encourage farmers to reach out to their area representative,” Council Chair Joe Serbus said. “A position on the Council is a rewarding endeavor to represent Minnesota soybean farmers and to ensure soybean checkoff funds are invested properly.”

Interested candidates can download the necessary forms at mnsoybean.org/msrpc.

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