

Murray County Receives $500 for Membership Challenge Goal

May 12, 2016 / Categories: Uncategorized

The Murray County Soybean Growers recently held a membership call night as part of the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association’s Membership Recruitment Drive. By signing 10 new members and renewing 20 or more members, Murray County qualified for the $500 reward and is also entered for a cash prize drawing that will occur at the conclusion of the Membership Recruitment Drive in September.

“Murray County had great success on their calling night,” said MSGA President Paul Freeman. “The board banded together and made their goal with a group effort. With membership as the backbone of our organization, we applaud their efforts.”

Membership in the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association is vital to the success of policy efforts in favor of Minnesota farmers. The organization carries a strong, unified voice in St. Paul and Washington D.C. for farmers and future generations of farmers and agribusiness leaders.

Because of farmers’ membership, board directors and lobbyist are able to make efforts to influence policy insuring farmers’ freedom to operate and build profitability.

If your county soybean organization is interested in joining the recruitment challenge, contact the Minnesota Soybean office at 507-388-1635.

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