

UMN Seeking Soybean Growers for Study on Aphids, Parasitic Wasps

March 23, 2016 / Categories: Uncategorized

Each year, the Production action team of the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council (MSR&PC) invests checkoff dollars in research at the University of Minnesota aimed at helping farmers grow more, high quality soybeans.

University of Minnesota (UMN) entomologists are looking for farmer collaborators willing to help study insecticidal seed treatments by allowing researchers to monitor populations of aphids and parasitic wasps in soybean fields planted with insecticide-treated and untreated seeds.

Parasitic wasps are an important part of aphid pest control, because they feed on aphids and only on aphids.

Please contact Jonathan Dregni, UMN scientist, if you or a neighbor would like to be involved. Dregni can be reached at dreg0005@umn.edu or 651-207-3539.

For more information on the study, click here.

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