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Tools of the Trade: Late season soybean aphids

Reports of soybean aphid populations continue to increase, while the spread of pyrethroid resistant soybean aphid across the northern Great Plains is becoming increasingly evident. Economic control of these little beasts is a balancing act. While long term use of chlorpyrifos is now in question, the implementation period from the lawsuit ruling will allow its …

What do goats and aphids have in common? Both love buckthorn

If you guessed a or b, it’s likely you know a thing or two about controlling soybean aphids. If you answered d, you’re one of those people who always answers all of the above. If you answered c, you’re either scratching your head and questioning why, or you’re familiar with University of Minnesota Extension Entomologist Bob Koch’s research on aphids and buckthorn and you attended a tour near Faribault, Minn., and learned how Jake Langeslag, owner of Goat Dispatch, uses goats to help control buckthorn and other terrestrial invasive species.