Your membership ensures a voice on behalf of Minnesota soybean farmers

Your membership ensures a voice on behalf of Minnesota soybean farmers



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Soybean Business Magazine

The magazine for Minnesota's soybean farmers - published six times a year - covering the industry like no other.

Invest in an organization that invests in you.

Your Minnesota Soybean Growers Association membership means you’re joining with other farmers and agribusinesses across the state to fight for farm-friendly policies both in St. Paul and Washington, D.C.

Thank you to our industry partners!

It pays to join MSGA.

Secured dollars for Soy Innovation Campus

MSGA dreamed big and its efforts paid off. The legislature approved $5 million in funding as part of the Soy Innovation Campus at the UMN-Crookston. Once fully operating, the crush and biodiesel facility aims to increase demand for soybeans in the region by an estimated 10-to-20 cents per bushel.

Pushed for tax bill legislation to bring property tax relief

MSGA pushed for additional tax relief for farmers, successfully ending the legislative session with an increase from 40 to 70 percent in the school building bond ag credit.

Fought for additional rural mental health funding

MSGA has been a staunch advocate for raising awareness and increasing resources for rural mental health. The legislature approved $1.3 million for mental health counseling and more advocate throughout greater Minnesota.

Biodiesel B20 – the legislative road


First biodiesel plant opens Dec. 14 with capacity of 3M gallons


MN opens two more biodiesel plants


MN becomes first state in the nation to require (B2) 2% blend of biodiesel


Gov. Tim Pawlenty announces renewable plan to grow biodiesel to 20% blends


MN becomes first state in the nation to require (B5) 5% blend of biodiesel


MN becomes first state in the nation to require (B10) 10% blend of biodiesel


MN becomes first state in the nation to require (B20) 20% blend of biodiesel

Biodiesel is economic rocket fuel


Estimated economic benefit of B20 to MN economy


Estimated jobs related to B20 in MN


Pounds of CO2 reduced by switching to B20 in MN