

Farmer Presence Wanted on SWCD Boards

April 28, 2016 / Categories: Uncategorized

Minnesota citizens interested in influencing natural resources issues at the local level are encouraged to run for supervisor of their local Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD).

SWCD supervisor positions are filled through general elections which will take place on Nov. 8, 2016. Those interested in running for Supervisor should file at the County Auditor’s office from May 17 through May 31, 2016.

“An SWCD is a special purpose unit of government comprised of nonpartisan, elected supervisors who are passionate about conserving Minnesota’s remarkable natural resources,” said MASWCD President and Pipestone SWCD Supervisor Ian Cunningham. “SWCDs focus on building community relationships and collaborate with private landowners to conserve and protect our state’s land and water resources.”

SWCDs are a primary source of conservation information, support, and program management for landowners and other local units of government. They are the technical experts that understand their specific communities’ needs and help landowners navigate conservation programs from start to finish. An elected board of Supervisors governs each of Minnesota’s 90 SWCDs.

Candidates are elected county wide*, but must reside in one of the nomination districts up for election. SWCD Supervisors serve four year terms.

Supervisors meet monthly to discuss the business of the SWCD, including state grant allocations to landowners, district conservation priorities, coordination with other local units of government and state and federal agencies. Supervisors do not receive a salary, although they do receive compensation for attending meetings and are reimbursed for expenses.

Contact your local County SWCD for more information SWCD Directory.

* Except for SWCDs in 7 county metro Area, where candidates are elected by the voters within that nomination district of the SWCD.

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