

A Look at What Your MSGA Membership Has Been Doing

From buffers, to school levies, to decaying rural roads, to bans on needed chemicals, to GMO labeling, farmers are in the crosshairs too often in St. Paul and Washington D.C. Thanks to the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association, farmers have a voice to rise above special interest groups and legislators targeting agriculture and take back their farms.

Through the support of its members, MSGA has paid big dividends the past few years. How?


  • Cleaned up Minnesota’s air quality by establishing B10 (10 percent biodiesel) as the fuel standard in Minnesota.
  • Unveiled cutting edge technology (phone2action) to better connect farmers with their elected officials.
  • Worked with Ag coalition to establish dedicated Ag research and technology transfer funding.


  • Fought to make changes to the 2015 buffer law, helping to provide farmers with clarity and direction on the landmark legislation.
  • Worked to make the Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program an option for farmers under the buffer law.
  • Continuing to fight on behalf of farmers by working on a tax bill that passed through the House and Senate and would have provided $90 million in tax relief to landowners.
  • Preparing to institute B20 (20 percent biodiesel) in Minnesota in 2018.

As of Sept. 1, membership rates will be increasing by $10. Join or renew now to get the discounted rate.

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