MSR&PC Chairman hosts Chinese soybean processors

Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council (MSR&PC) Chairman Patrick O’Leary and contractor Peter Mishek hosted three soybean buyers representing large Chinese soybean processors in Benson, Minn., this week.

These buyers were on a trip crossing the Dakotas and Minnesota to assess the 2018 U.S. soybean crop; gathering samples and speaking with farmers.

“They were very impressed with the soybeans they have seen so far on their trip,” said MSR&PC Director of Market Development Kim Nill, who also joined the group in Benson. “They look forward to buying northern-states-origin soybeans once the current U.S.-China tariff dispute ends.”

The trade team also learned about the United Soybean Board and Minnesota Grain and Feed Association (MGFA) reports showing that Minnesota/Dakota soybeans have historically contained the lowest amounts of foreign material (FM) of all U.S. soybean exports. That quality is important due to the recent China-U.S. agreement that U.S. soybean shipments contain less than 1 percent FM.

MSR&PC hosts trade teams to build relationships with overseas customers. Cultivating relationships is a key focus to opening new markets for Minnesota soybean farmers.

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