

Ten MN soybean farmers complete mission to Chile and Colombia

February 13, 2018 / by Minnesota Soybean Categories: Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council, Soybean News

Ten Minnesota and three North Dakota soybean farmers returned this week from a week-long mission to Chile and Colombia. Hosted by the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council (MSR&PC), participants were able to meet large buyers of U.S. soybeans, tour emerging markets and see for themselves where soybean checkoff dollars are invested overseas.

“As a soybean farmer, we bring our soybeans to the local elevator and don’t know exactly where they end up,” said Rodd Beyer, a Wheaton, Minn., farmer and participant on this year’s MSR&PC See For Yourself mission. “Being a part of this trip allowed me to meet those who rely on our quality product and see what my checkoff dollars are doing to promote our product in other countries.”

The group began in Chile, learning about research being done on new varieties, diseases and pests at the University of Minnesota and North Dakota State University research plot outside Santiago, funded in part by the soybean checkoff.

“The research plot was something I was not aware of,” said Jerry Demmer, farmer from Clarks Grove, Minn. “Soybean breeders utilize this plot during our winter months in Minnesota. Doubling the growing season allows breeders to do their job more efficiently and effectively. Ultimately, getting the information back to the farmer even faster.”

The farmers also had the opportunity to see an emerging market for U.S. soybeans – aquaculture. Chile is the number two producer of salmon, behind Norway. In 2017, 5,000 tons of soy protein concentrate (SPC) was imported from the U.S., making Chile the world’s fourth-largest importer of U.S.-origin SPC.

“In today’s farm economy, every market for soybeans matters,” Demmer said. “Salmon may not consume a large amount of feed, but it is still an emerging market and an opportunity to get more of our beans off of the market. Big or small, they all matter.”

While in Chile, the group was able to tour the two-year-old Cargill Salmon Innovation Center, the most advanced center in the world. Currently, the facility researches salmon disease and nutrition. Among this, the farmers were able to see a salmon hatchery, farm and processing plant.

Participants then traveled to Colombia, who heavily depends on U.S. soybeans.

“We met with Colombia’s number one and number three feed importer. It was great to hear how much of their soybean meal comes from the U.S.,” Beyer said. “The Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the U.S. and Colombia is an added bonus when deciding who they will buy from.”

Implemented in 2012, the FTA allows Colombia to import soybeans from the U.S. with a zero percent tax. Importing from a U.S. competitor, like Argentina, consists of a 41 percent tax burden.

“Hearing firsthand from the companies buying our beans how valuable the free trade agreement is was outstanding,” Beyer said. “It makes our beans even more appealing. We can only hope this agreement continues.”

As Colombia embarks on a presidential election in March, the trade agreement may be at risk, with two candidates against free trade.

The visit to Colombia focused heavily on the livestock and feed market, as Colombia hopes to increase their production and consumption of pork.

“As Colombia continues to promote pork and increase their supply, this will also increase their need for more feed,” Beyer said. “The U.S. is ready to supply their demand.”

Carlos Maya, executive director of Pork Colombia, the country’s checkoff association, told the group Colombia is expected to increase their production by 30 percent.

“Colombia is a rising star for U.S. soybeans,” said Taylor Shroyer, participant from Nerstrand, Minn. “The amount of soybeans imported to Colombia continues to grow. It’s a trade success story.”

In 2017, Colombia was the third-largest importer of U.S.-origin soybean meal and fifth-largest importer of U.S.-origin soybean oil. They imported a total of 151,000 tons of U.S.-origin soybeans.

“It’s definitely an eye-opening experience,” Beyer added. “It makes you think beyond the local elevator. Other countries rely on our product and I now understand why we need to continue building relationships and investing our time and energy into promoting our beans overseas.”

MSR&PC tentatively hosts See For Yourself mission every other year with applicants chosen through an application process.

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