

UMN Extension: Northwest Minnesota soybean plot tours set

Tours of field plots established by the University of Minnesota soybean breeding program and county associations are scheduled for August 28 and 29 at five locations in northwest Minnesota.

The tours are sponsored county growers and the soybean checkoff through the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council (MSRPC). Speakers will include University of Minnesota Extension educators and representatives of both state and county soybean associations.

While the agenda for each location may vary depending upon speaker availability, topics might include: the status of soybean aphid management, the soybean cyst nematode (including distribution of soil sample kits for project-sponsored testing), performance of pre-emerge herbicides in soybeans, soybean variety trials and a comparison of planting date and plant population for northern soybean varieties.

The tour dates, start times, local sponsors, locations and directions are as follows:

‒ August 28 – Norman County – 10 a.m. – Swenson Farms, 1 mile east of Shelly on Hwy 3, and south 3/4 mile on 130th St. (GPS point: 47.4424, -96.7943). A noon meal will follow the tour.

‒ August 28 – Becker/Mahnomen Counties – 3 p.m. – Bill Zurn Farms and Mitch Hoekstra of Select Ag Inc., 3 miles west of Select Ag offices located at Hwy 59 and 250th St (plot is 1/4 mile west of Hwy 5 and Hwy 10 intersection, GPS point: 47.2824, -96.0023). Pioneer plot and meal will be at the Select Ag building.

‒ August 29 – Marshall County – 8 a.m. – Jim Potucek Farm, 27001 County Highway 34, take Hwy 1 East two miles from Warren to County Road 34, then go North 5 miles to the plot (GPS point: 48.268188, -96.719311). Refreshments will be served.

‒ August 29 – Pennington/Red Lake Counties – 11 a.m. – Kyle Mehrkens Farm, 1 mile North of St. Hilaire on the West side of HWY 32 (GPS point: 48.036195, -96.214879). Lunch will follow.

‒ August 29 – Polk County – 4 p.m. – Mike Theis Farm, 748 350th Ave. SE (Co Rd 6), from HWY 2 go North on Johnson Ave. and continue on 6th St. NE and 350th Ave. SE (Co Rd 6) to the plot across from St. Mary’s Cemetery (GPS point: 47.581183, -95.736306). Supper will follow.

Visit http://blog-nwcrops.extension.umn.edu for updates or more information or contact UMN Extension educators Phil Glogoza (218) 236-2008 or Angie Peltier (218) 281-8692.

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