

Minnesota Holds Top Spot in non-GMO Soybean Exports

March 29, 2016 / Categories: Uncategorized

A recent USSEC study estimated that 3.5 million non-GMO soy food bean acres were produced in the U.S. in 2015, and 3.1 million acres were grown under contract.

For the second year, USSEC ran a non-GMO Soy Food Bean Acreage Study in the fall of 2015. The survey, conducted with U.S. soy food bean exporters/contractors and soybean farmers, estimates the number of acres the U.S. has under contract for growing soy food beans, and among other production facts, assesses the percentage of acres grown for specific traditional soy food end uses.

The purpose of the study is to provide overseas soy food target audiences with quantifiable information on the 2015 U.S. non-GMO soy food bean crop. USSEC supplies U.S. food bean exporters with study insights to use in their overseas marketing efforts, including:
•An estimate of the 2015 total U.S. production of non-GMO soy food bean acreage;
•Estimates of the number of contracted non-GMO soy food bean acres;
•A report of the percentage of acres destined for specific traditional soy food end-use purposes; and
•A projection of the export tonnage of 2015 U.S. non-GMO soy food beans.

The type of information in this study isn’t collected by the USDA.Food-Bean-Study1[1]

“As the export markets for our specialty soybeans has expanded over the last five years, our overseas customers and prospects for non-GMO, soy food beans told us they really wanted to understand more about our production. As food manufacturers, their interests ultimately link back to food safety and food security,” says Marypat Corbett, USSEC Marketing Director – Human Nutrition/Oil.

“With these study results, we can represent our national perspective and augment the very detailed, Identity Preserved shipment information they get from their U.S. exporters. Customers tell us they value the new information and use it within their companies,” Ms. Corbett goes on to say. “The national insights in this study go a long way to building even more customer confidence in doing business with the U.S., the largest supplier of these specialty soybeans in the world.”

Food-Bean-Study2[1]The U.S. specialty soybean industry is also recognizing the promotional value of the study results. “We have had great cooperation from the export community! Last year we had a 25 percent increase in the number of exporter/contractors of soy food beans participating in the study,” states Ms. Corbett. “On average, they reported their companies purchased non-GMO soy food beans from farmers in three different states. Not only does that spread out their weather or other production risks, but also allows them to offer overseas customers more supply and/or varietal choices.”

USSEC uses the results of this study overseas and encourages U.S. non-GMO soy food bean exporters to share it with their customers and in their overseas marketing efforts.

The information was collected via a national, online survey with soy food bean export companies from across the U.S. who contract with growers to produce non-GMO, soy food beans. Additional information was collected via phone from non-GMO soy food bean growers from across the U.S.

USSEC plans to conduct this survey again in 2016.

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