Checkoff project turns to DUST, adds value 

As farmers gear up for planting season, it’s important to make sure equipment functions smoothly. One key component in the planting process is seed lubricant, which prevents static electricity and seeds from sticking. Traditional lubricants are made from graphite or talc, but they can cause wear and tear on equipment and lead to risks to the environment and human health. Considering these concerns, a new option has emerged: DUST, a seed lubricant funded entirely by checkoff dollars, which presents a cleaner and safer alternative. 

“DUST is cleaner, safer and greener,” said Dan Johnson, business development manager for Newfields Ag. “It’s the farmers’ product and production. He or she is the manufacturer and supplier of the product, so it’s helping grow the demand for soybeans.” 

 By incorporating soybeans into its formulation, DUST supports local agriculture while also. promoting added demand for soybeans in the agricultural market. 

DUST stands apart from conventional lubricants by being derived from 100% soy protein and lecithin, which allows it to perform similarly to traditional products while also offering significant human and soil health benefits. It is designed to be less abrasive to seeds, which helps reduce dust in the air and contributes to a healthier environment. Traditional graphite lubricants can be considered a possible carcinogen, and DUST avoids these harsh qualities. 

Newfields Ag and DUST have expanded into biological carriers as well.   

“Getting that crop off to an early healthy start – that’s another advantage and benefit for the grower,” Johnson said.   

The incorporation of biological agents can significantly assist in increased nutrient uptake, improved root health and help mitigate crop stress while enabling farmers to achieve better crop performance and productivity from their fields. 

Johnson credits the United Soybean Board, which oversees the national soy checkoff, for research and development funding, which is adding value to farmer profitability.   

“We’re very grateful for that partnership,” Johnson said. “We’ve calculated $60 million of additional revenue to the American soybean grower. We’re excited to be able to contribute back to the longevity and profitability of the farm.” 

For farmers interested in incorporating DUST into their planting strategy, the product is readily available through seed, retail and implement dealers throughout the upper Midwest. Visit or contact your local dealer for more information.  

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