

Soybean Checkoff

Media Inquiries
Council, MSR&PC

The Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council is leading the charge and investing checkoff dollars to proactively ensure that “the dreaded unknown” has less of a devastating impact on Minnesota soybean growers. You know. The one that typically comes back…

future of soy, MSR&PC, Council, Breezy Point

As the saying goes, “The future depends on what we do in the present.”  That adage is top of mind for leaders of the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council (MSR&PC).  “The soybean industry is continually faced with new challenges,”…

soybean news msrpc behind the dollar

A checkoff-centric Q&A with Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council (MSR&PC) Director Rochelle Krusemark, who farms in Martin County.  Read below to find out her thoughts on the Council’s Behind the Dollar initiative.  This interview has been edited for length…

A whole new world across the world. One step off the bus at Matt Purfeerst’s farm in Rice County and the nine trade mission attendees visiting from China had their cameras out snapping pictures so they could hold onto memories…

The Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council (MSR&PC) is excited to host a fully-immersive Farmfest experience Aug. 6-8 at Gilfillan Estate in Morgan that seeks to leave attendees with a pep in their golf game. Most importantly, the thousands of…

soybean news

Through the scorching Baltimore summer heat, the four Minnesota farmers on the United Soybean Board (USB) put their stamp of approval on the organization’s 2025 fiscal year budget, which amounted to $173.8 million for the coming year. The budget supports…

Roof Maxx, AURI, MSR&PC,

While the average asphalt shingle roof lasts around 15-20 years, soybeans could help extend the life of your roof by up to 15 years more and with a serious cost savings, too.   Roof Maxx, along with the Agricultural Utilization Research…

MSR&PC Council Mn Soybean Cereals Oil conference

A lot has changed since Beaver Creek farmer Jim Willers made his first trip to China on behalf of the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council (MSR&PC) more than a decade ago. Buildings and roadways have become more modern, pollution…