Checkoff-sponsored farm and woodlands program opening in November

The University of Minnesota Extension forestry and crops programs are offering a new course to farmers who own woodlands. Starting in late November, the Farms and Woodlands class, with financial support from the soybean checkoff, is specifically designed for landowners and farmers who want to get the most out of every acre of their land.

The five-month course offers a mix of self-paced online learning, online meetups, and three inperson field tours. The course opens with our first field tour on Friday, November 22, 12:30 – 4:30 p.m. at the Rosemount Regional Outreach Center.

“If you farm and own woodlands, how you care for your woods can complement your farm practices,” said Extension Educator Claire LaCanne. “Similarly, your farm practices can influence your woods.”

This program teaches landowners about the importance of an ecosystem-centered approach to farm and woodland management.

The registration fee of $120 will cover up to two family members, and additional family
members can register at a reduced rate of $50 each.

Members of the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association (MSGA) will receive a $25 discount on registration.

Interested landowners can learn more and register on the class webpage.

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