MSR&PC sponsors Leopold Conservation Award coming to Minnesota

A prestigious award program that celebrates voluntary conservation efforts on farms and forestland is coming to Minnesota.

The Leopold Conservation Award® honors farmers and forestland owners who above and beyond in their management of soil health, water quality and wildlife habitat on working land.

Sand County Foundation and national sponsor, American Farmland Trust, present Leopold Conservation Awards to private landowners in 27 states. In Minnesota the award is presented with state partners: Minnesota Soil Health Coalition, and Soil Regen.

“It’s a very prestigious award and we’re proud to support this recognition of our conservation minded farmers and land owners,” said David Kee, Minnesota Soybean Reserach & Promotion Council director of research.

Given in honor of renowned conservationist Aldo Leopold, the award recognizes landowners who inspire others with their dedication to environmental improvement. In his influential 1949 book, “A Sand County Almanac,” Leopold called for “a land ethic,” an ethical relationship between people and the land they own and manage.

Nominations may be submitted on behalf of a landowner, or landowners may apply themselves. The Minnesota application can be found at

Applications are reviewed by an independent panel of agricultural and conservation leaders from Minnesota.

The application deadline date is July 1, 2024. Applications must be emailed to

The award recipient receives $10,000, and their conservation success story will be featured in a video and in other outreach.

The Minnesota Leopold Conservation Award is made possible through the generous support of American Farmland Trust, Minnesota Soil Health Coalition, Soil Regen, Sand County Foundation, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, General Mills, Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council, Audubon Minnesota, Minnesota State Cattlemen’s Association, Minnesota Corn, Minnesota Department of Agriculture, Minnesota Ducks Unlimited, Minnesota Farm Bureau, Minnesota Farmers Union, Minnesota Wheat Research & Promotion Council, Pheasants Forever, Renovo Seed, Saddle Butte Ag Inc., and The Nature Conservancy.

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