

It’s hard to imagine how a soybean farmer could be so easily connected to the big city skyscrapers of New York City, but those very soybeans that once called rural dirt home are powering the buses, ferries and fire trucks…

The annual Prairie Grains Conference brings out the brightest and best ag to provide updates on their latest research in the small grains world of wheat, barley and soybeans in the Northern Plains. It’s also been known to bring out…

After all the fieldwork is done, that’s when it’s time to do a little homework and prepare for the upcoming crop year. There are a number of opportunities across the state and region to visit with industry peers as we…

The annual Big Iron Farm and Construction Show in West Fargo, N.D., brings out the latest and greatest in agricultural advancements. From drones to combines to seed dealers, Big Iron is the perfect venue to kick tires and talk shop during…

Partnerships are what drive connections. That’s what makes the Minnesota Research & Promotion Council’s (MSR&PC) membership in Northern Soy Marketing (NSM) so valuable, especially at events like Soy Connext, which took place Aug. 19-21 in San Francisco. “Soy Connext is…

Soyfoam, Council, MSR&PC.

Cancer – a six-letter word that burns when it hits the ears.  “I’m just waiting for the doctor to tell me I have cancer,” said Capt. Ray Richards, a firefighter from Spotsylvania County, Virginia. “I hope it doesn’t happen, but…

Farmfest 2024, farmfest, council, mn soybean

For the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council (MSR&PC), Farmfest 2024 was a hole-in-fun.   Featuring the MiniSoyta golf course made with soy-based SYNLawn, Minnesota Soybean’s booth was the epicenter of a fun and educational experience. Who knew soy could be…

4H scouting, Council, MSR&PC, David Kee

On July 26, the University of Minnesota (UMN) Extension held the 4-H/FFA Crop Scouting Contest. 4-H and FFA students from around the state gathered at UMN’s St. Paul Campus to compete in the Crop Scouting Competition or the Junior Crop…