This summer, the Martin County Corn and Soybean Growers and their checkoff dollars made a donation to the Minnesota Ag in the Classroom (MAITC).
“Ag education is something that is easily supported in our county,” says Jacob Sukalski, Martin County Corn and Soybean Growers treasurer. “Understanding the impact of agriculture at a young age is important for our industry. It overall will help young agriculturists pave their careers and develop a passion and understanding for the soybean industry.”
The program seeks to improve student achievement by applying authentic, agricultural-based content by encouraging teachers to embed agriculture into their classroom. The program cultivates an understanding and appreciation of the food and fiber system.
“The program is a benefit to everyone,” Sukalski says. “With so many people removed from the farm, bringing these materials will help others understand where their food comes from and who grows it.”