

MSGA Welcomes EU Approval of Dicamba-Tolerant Soybeans

The Minnesota Soybean Growers Association (MSGA) welcomed news that the European Union (EU) has approved three outstanding biotech soybean traits for import and processing. The approved traits include the Xtend dicamba-tolerant soybean and Vistive Gold high oleic soybean products from Monsanto, and the Balance GT FG72 soybean from Bayer CropScience.

“It is exciting to have acceptance of the biotech traits coming out of the EU for import,” said MSGA President Theresia Gillie. “We need to continue working on streamlining the approval process to give our farmers more choices to increase profitability and give our buyers the products they need in order to be successful. We also need our industry partners working on these tools that help us in our fields, and ultimately, our bottom line.”

MSGA expects U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to finish its review of dicamba use on soybeans soon to allow farmers another tool to spray over the top of these soybeans.

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