


Fighting for Farm-Friendly Legislation

MSGA is an advocacy organization that works tirelessly in St. Paul and Washington D.C. to promote farm-friendly legislation and to guard against harmful policy that would be detrimental to agriculture and your freedom to operate.
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The Minnesota Soybean Growers Association spends much of its time in St. Paul and Washington, D.C., fighting for farm-friendly policies.

From regulatory overreach to additional funding for rural mental health, MSGA makes sure soybean farmers have a voice at the Capitol year-round. Simply put, MSGA looks out for the best interest of soybean farmers in St. Paul and Washington D.C.

Make your voice heard.

Farmer leaders are vocal and active in their support of Minnesota’s soybean farmers. But sometimes that isn’t enough. We need farmers like you to step up and let your individual voice be heard in concert with the voices of other Minnesota farmers.

Use the Take Action section of this site to connect to your local representatives and voice your opinion on key issues.

2023 policy initiatives

With a membership of nearly 2,600 Minnesota soybean farmers, MSGA can make a lot of noise in St. Paul and Washington, D.C. to effectively fight for farm-friendly policies that protect your freedom to farm.

With a record surplus in the state’s coffers, MSGA will urge elected officials to support expanding rural infrastructure – roads, bridges, wireless, broadband, etc. – throughout Greater Minnesota. Grower-leaders will also advocate that farming communities receive the most bang for their buck by creating a robust system to handle heavier trucks and move the growing ag economy forward. Producers depend on transportation to bring their goods to market. MSGA continues to promote more grain exports via the Port of Duluth and will advocate to increase funding for the Department of Agriculture’s international trade programs.

In 2022, MSGA marked 20 years since the state’s historic biodiesel law. Since its formal implementation in 2005, MSGA has grown the state’s minimum blending requirement, culminating in the move to B20 five years ago. While demand continues grow, biodiesel in Minnesota adds more than 5,000 jobs and contributes nearly $1.7 billion toward the state’s economy. MSGA’s lobbying team works hard each session to ensure biofuels withstands opposition and maintains bipartisan support.

MSGA will show elected officials and the Walz administration that biodiesel continues to provide timely solutions, both economically and environmentally – right here, right now. MSGA will continue underscoring the need for Low Carbon Fuel Standard policies that promote biodiesel – which actually reduces carbon – not electric vehicles.

From homestead credits to tax conformity, MSGA works to reduce the tax burden shouldered by Minnesota farmers. MSGA will strive to lower farmer-related taxes, helping to keep farmer profitable. With agricultural land value spiking, MSGA will continue to promote raising the ag homestead exemption to $3.5 million. In 2022, MSGA Secretary Ryan Mackenthun testified in support of the bill, which could provide farmers hundreds of millions of dollars in property tax relief. MSGA will also work with the legislature to create a tax credit for farmers enrolled in voluntary agricultural risk management programs.

The cost of production continues to soar. MSGA will work with lawmakers to protect crop inputs and prevent any unnecessary restrictions on the use of agriculture chemicals. In past sessions, MSGA ensured that farmers weren’t saddled with unnecessary pesticide fee increases, saving producers millions in registration costs. MSGA also joined the farm community and other ag groups in preventing the passage of House bills that would have banned the dicamba herbicide and allowed cities to enact their own pesticide regulations. MSGA stands ready to voice opposition to any similar bills this session.

In addition to protecting input tools, electric companies are lobbying the legislature for prime farmland exemptions for solar panels. MSGA will endeavor to keep farmers farming on the land and push back against unfavorable legislation.

Grassroots advocacy – take action!

Minnesota Soybean Growers Association uses Phone2Action, a grassroots advocacy service specializing in connecting you with your elected officials. When you become an “advocate,” you are choosing to stay informed on important issues and can contact your legislators (take action) at the click of a button – right from your smartphone, computer or social media – to ensure you have a voice on important issues that affect you.

Enter your information to be added as an advocate

Become an MSGA member

MSGA strives to speak with one voice to make positive changes that support the future of agriculture. Because soybean checkoff dollars cannot be used for lobbying, it’s up to us as farmers to actively let our voices be heard on issues like water quality, biotechnology, animal agriculture and more. Your investment helps to make that happen.