
Media Center

Help us spread the word about soybeans

We have a wealth of information available here on our site. If you are a media professional and you have questions about soybeans or need additional resources, please don’t hesitate to contact Doug Monson at doug@mnsoybean.com.


MSGA media resources

These resources have been made available for media members and industry partners. If you need additional resources or have questions, please contact Doug Monson at dmonson@mnsoybean.com.

Click here for MSRPC artwork and resources

Logo artwork

Need a logo? Feel free to use one of these. If you do use our logos, do not run larger than image size. If you are a media professional or industry partner and have questions about our logos, please contact Doug Monson at dmonson@mnsoybean.com.




Biodiesel Logo

Media Inquiries

If you have questions about soybeans or need additional resources, please contact us and include as much detail as possible so we may best assist you.