

MN 4-H and FFA members test crop scouting knowledge 

On July 26, the University of Minnesota (UMN) Extension held the 4-H/FFA Crop Scouting Contest. 4-H and FFA students from around the state gathered at UMN’s St. Paul Campus to compete in the Crop Scouting Competition or the Junior Crop Scout exploration track. 

The contest included different stations: Corn Growth Stage, Soybean Growth Stage, Insect Identification, Forages/Cover Crops, Field Diagnostics, Pesticide Label reading, Weed Identification and Soil Types. Each team had 15 minutes at every station to make identifications and answer some questions.  

“I am here just for fun,” Macy A. from Rice County said. “I have been studying for this contest because it is really fun to learn about corn and soybeans.” 

Students that participated in the contest enjoyed learning about crop scouting or expanding their knowledge of crops. 

“It is a great experience to learn more about plants, insects and soils,” Arianna X. from Humbolt FFA said. “I am learning so many different things that I did not know before!” 

Since there are many different uses and benefits of soybeans, a student shared their thoughts about soybeans.  

“I think about how many benefits there are for biodiesel,” Derek K. from Douglas County said. “It is also a good cash crop to plant to get nitrogen back in your soil.” 

Education has served as a crucial investment for shaping the future of the next generation of students. 

“It is important for kids to know some of the basics in order to be crop producers, or those who want to work in the industry,” Seth Naeve, UMN Extension agronomist. “Contest-wise, it is good for them to compete in a setting like this, rather than taking a test in a classroom because they are getting hands on experience.” 

The Minnesota Research & Promotional Council (MSR&PC) sponsored a 4-H/FFA Field School the night before the contest. This opportunity provided educational sessions for the students. 

“Educating youth to become crop producers of tomorrow is important,” said David Kee MSR&PC director of research. “It is also a lot of fun to help with the contest.” 

The Multi-State (National) 4-H & FFA Crop Contest will be held again at the UMN St. Paul Campus on Sept. 14 with two teams from every state invited to participate. 

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