
Minnesota Soybean Business

Faces of MSGA: Lucas Peters

Growing up on a corn, soybean and cow/calf operation in Clark, S.D., Lucas Peters graduated from South Dakota State University. He then moved to Luverne to launch his own career in agriculture while still helping on the family farm.

“I got started in ag sales during the recent golden age of agriculture,” Peters says. “I also met my wife, Wendy, and have been planted strongly in Luverne ever since.”

Lucas Peters is chair of the Rock County Corn and Soybean Growers Association.

Peters has worked in the seed industry for 15 years and recently began a career in crop insurance.

“One of my seed reps was president of the local board and said it would be a good way to be involved with local farmers and business people,” he says. “Even though I am not in the direct seed business anymore, I still get to connect with those guys and talk about everything and farming in Rock County.”

Currently serving as president of the Rock County Corn and Soybean Growers, Peters finds value in his MSGA membership.

“Whether it being a member of MSGA, whether it’s being on the local board or sending a tweet, soybean farmers need to tell their story,” he says.


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