

MDA: public comments welcomed on Pesticide Management Plan

On Dec. 30, 2019, a notice was published in the State Register announcing the Minnesota Department of Agriculture’s (MDA’s) intention to revise the Pesticide Management Plan. A copy of the notice can also be found here.

The Pesticide Management Plan (PMP) is a guidance document for the prevention, evaluation and mitigation of occurrences of pesticides or pesticide breakdown products in groundwaters and surface waters of the state, and is a requirement of the Pesticide Control Law (Minn. Stat. § 18B.045). The PMP includes components promoting prevention, developing appropriate responses to the detection of pesticides or pesticide breakdown products in groundwater and surface waters, and providing responses to reduce or eliminate continued pesticide movement to groundwater and surface water. The PMP was last updated in 2007 and is available on the MDA website.

Public comments regarding the scope of the revisions will be accepted through March 13, 2020. Comments can be submitted by letter or email to Kathleen Hall or Rajinder Mann.

Kathleen Hall
MDA, Pesticide and Fertilizer Management Division
625 Robert Street North
St. Paul, MN 55155

MDA, Pesticide and Fertilizer Management Division
625 Robert Street North
St. Paul, MN 55155

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