

Skaug Locked in on Financial Future as MSGA Treasurer

To our board members and all the members of Minnesota Soybean Growers Association (MSGA), I am seeking the position of Treasurer of MSGA.

I have been on the MSGA board since 2012 and have had a wide variety of positions on co-op, church and township boards, holding treasurer and chairman positions. For the past year, I’ve been the treasurer for MSGA.

I would like to continue in that role as I am very interested in helping guide MSGA while it transitions to a new CFO. MSGA is in the perfect position to implement new ideas to generate new income. This CFO position is very valuable to our future endeavors. Our CFO will be someone who can help develop a financial vision that matches our strategic vision.

The past year I’ve overseen MSGA’s budget, which I take very seriously. I would like to continue my work in that role. For these reasons, I ask for your support.

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