

UMN Asking Growers to Report Pyrethroid Failure in Aphid Applications

June 6, 2016 / Categories: Uncategorized

With the change in weather conditions, aphids can be a prevalent issue in some areas. According to University of Minnesota Extension, the 2015 growing season saw foliar insecticide applications fail to control soybean aphids. These failures were seen in grower’s fields and Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Stations (MAES) throughout southern Minnesota.

In the areas where failures were recorded, multiple applications of insecticides were needed to control pests, including aphids. It was ultimately confirmed in laboratory assays that soybean aphids were exhibiting resistance to pyrethroids.

Extension has created a web page for growers to report suspected failures of pyrethroids applications for soybean aphids. There is also helpful information to help determine if a failure was due to resistance or other factors. Click here to learn more on soybean aphids and what researchers are doing to address resistance.

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